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Written Rock

Written Rock is a publishing company that's actively dedicated to inspiring others to pursue a career in writing so together we could build a stronger world of literature for future generations to come.



"Flavour of Life"

Improvise a line 
Anything that comes to mind
 Could be a simple melody
 Or something that you'd like to be. 
Come up with some flavour 
In any type of manner 
A sweet strawberry for the soul 
Or put some chocolate in your bowl 
Spice up your creative punch
 Paint a picture, make a bunch
 A scenery of  something special 
Unlock your true potential 
Take your brain one step further,
  Put your body and thoughts together. 
Create something meaningful to you,
  Because that's when your work is true

Written by Corey LeBlanc

Written Rock

Andrew Aitken


(289) 321-DREW (3739)

FREE partnership!

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